Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Curate Youtube Videos by Creating Playlists

I can't tell you how many times in the past, I have used a youtube clip one year and then have been unable to find it the next. Over the last few years I started to create youtube playlists to overcome this problem. Youtube playlists are a great way to organize and keep track of your favorite classroom youtube videos. I tend to organize videos by units of study, however you can organize them in any manner you choose. Every year, I go back to that unit’s playlist and all the videos are organized and ready for classroom use. It also comes in handy when I see a video that could potentially be useful in a unit we are not currently on, I can easily add it to the appropriate unit playlist for later. Checkout my playlist on World War II propaganda cartoons to see a sample. Here are some more sample playlists.

You can create playlist in two simple steps.

1) Click “Add to”

2) Choose from the playlists you already have created or create a new playlist.

This can save you a lot of time searching for that video you saw a month ago but now can’t find.

Playlists also allow you to designate a start and stop time to a video if you don't want to show students the entire video. To change the start and stop time, first go to www.youtube.com and sign into your @bsd220.org account. Then click the sprocket and video manager.

Next click "playlists" and "edit."

Click "More" and "Edit start / end times"

From there you can adjust the start and or end time for the video.

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