Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tech Tuesday

Google Drive for file storage on the Macbook

Staff that have made the move to the Macbook may realize that accessing your P folder is not an easy process. That is why we suggest using Google Drive for your file storage. Most people associate Google Drive with using the web based Google docs and sharing documents. Google Drive also offers a great storage solution for files on your Macbook. By installing the Google Drive App on your Macbook, Google Drive appears as a folder in Finder and is a place to store all your files. This includes images, Office documents, SmartBoard files and more. The files saved in Google Drive on your Macbook will sync to Google Drive in the cloud. So, all files saved locally (on your Macbook) will automatically be backed up to Google Drive in the cloud.

Watch this short video to learn the advantages of installing Google Drive on your Macbook:
(This video is best viewed in full screen mode)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Tracking Edits in Google Drive

Google Drive has many educational benefits such as tons of storage space and its collaborative nature however one of its greatest strengths is the ability to track edits of a document. This really allows you to not just see the finished product of a document but also the process. It truly is transformational in the classroom. I created the video below as part of my Google Certified Trainer application. It covers two ways to track edits in Google Drive.

TabCloud for On the Go Teachers

TabCloud is a must have Google Chrome extension for any teacher that is on the go. This chrome extension will save your open tabs so that if you close your web browser it will open all of your saved tabs. Simply download the extension and follow the directions below.

It is that simple! This extension is great for teachers that switch between classes during the day. Watch the video below to learn more about TabCloud.

The Unconference and Authentic Audiences

The other weekend several of us attended Edcamp Chicago. Edcamp, also known as an unconference, is free professional development where attendees set the schedule and lead the sessions, which are conversations not presentations. It is a great opportunity to meet other educators in the area and share ideas. Learn more about the Edcamp structure by watching the video below.

Check out some of the resources we gathered here. Make sure to look out for the next Edcamp Chicago in the fall!

Of all the resources I learned about at edcamp, Quadblogging was especially intriguing. Quadblogging is a free service that gives your students’ blogs an authentic audience. Simply register your class for Quadblogging and you will be matched with three other classrooms. Each class will be spotlighted for a week allowing the other three classes to visit and comment on the blogs. In a four week period each class as an opportunity to be the spotlighted class. Learn more about Quadblogging from the video below.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tech Tip Tuesday

Find My Mac

If your Mac goes missing, Find My Mac can help you figure out where you left it.  Watch the tutorial below to learn how to activate Find My Mac on your computer. Note: You will need an Apple account setup before you activate.